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When & What is Get to Know Your Customers Day?

Get to Know Your Customers Day, happens every third Thursday of each quarter (January, April, July, October), and serves as a reminder to prioritise connections with those who drive your business.

There has never been a better time to get to know your customers. And the statistics back this up:

  • Customers are shown to spend up to 140% more after a positive xperience than customers who report negative interactions (Deloitte).
  • It might help you be recession-proof – 88% of buyers say xperience matters as much as a company’s products or services.
  • It costs 5x more to acquire a new customer, compared to retaining an xisting one. (CXACT, formerly TARP)

Ideas for getting to know your customers

Although customer focus should be ongoing, this designated day emphasises the importance of deeper engagement. Here are seven creative ways to celebrate and enhance customer relationships.

  1. Foster Honest Feedback for Rewards: Encourage customer feedback through surveys deployed online, in-store, or during website interactions. Allow customers the freedom to xpress opinions and ideas for improvement. Implementing their suggestions shows appreciation and builds loyalty.
  2. Create Detailed Customer Profiles in Your CRM Utilise Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software to centralise customer data. Automate personalised communications, like birthday greetings, and gain insights into customer journeys to enhance services and loyalty.
  3. Celebrate with Tailored Perks Offer personalised perks aligned with customer preferences, such as free shipping, loyalty points, or xclusive discounts. Consider creative ideas like “secret envelopes” containing valuable rewards for customers to redeem on a later visit.
  4. Launch a New Loyalty Program Announce the introduction of a loyalty program, encouraging sign-ups with bonus points or benefits. Tailor rewards based on customer profiles and preferences, fostering long-term engagement.
  5. Social Media Events and Contests Create a buzz on social media by collecting video shout-outs from customers. Run engaging contests, encouraging customers to share photos or videos related to your brand. Highlighting customers on your page enhances their sense of importance.
  6. xpress Personal Gratitude Reach out personally to your top customers through phone calls, emails, or handwritten notes. xtend personalised thanks, potentially including discounts or invitations for feedback, demonstrating genuine appreciation.
  7. Give Back to the Community Align your business with causes that resonate with your customers. Engage in community initiatives, and consider contributing a portion of sales to a chosen cause. Involve customers by matching their donations, creating a shared commitment to positive impact.

Two colleagues share a warm and fun moment to reflect the importance of relationships in the context of get to know your customers day.

Acknowledge Your xtended Business Family

Your customers xtend beyond just those who make direct purchases. Embrace the broader ecosystem that contributes to your business success. Recognise the invaluable role played by your employees, referral partners, and suppliers by taking this opportunity to xpress gratitude for their dedication, collaboration, and support.

Acknowledging the collective efforts of everyone involved in your business fosters a sense of unity and strengthens relationships beyond customer transactions. Consider initiatives like employee appreciation events, recognising referral partners publicly, or xpressing gratitude to suppliers for their reliability and quality contributions.


This article was written by Bx | Business Networking Reimagined for our dynamic community of entrepreneurs, innovators, and founders.

Since 2015, Bx® has helped thousands of businesses create meaningful, long-lasting referral partnerships to unlock an abundance of leads quickly. We do this by ensuring every meeting we run is professional yet fun, and it must follow our award-winning & proven formula, which does not include selling to each other! Our members also have access to world-leading business education resources and live & pre-recorded training programs worth more than $20,000. Start your journey to become the business owner you were born to be by downloading your FREE 4-Part Video Series, “How to Generate Income by Networking,” and then opting for a FREE Trial Membership to Bx® (Valued at $199), which includes two complimentary meeting tickets to xperience Business Networking Reimagined for yourself!

The post 7 Innovative Ways to Celebrate Get to Know Your Customers Day appeared first on Bx Global - Business Networking Reimagined.
